
Has Your Child Been Struggling with Stuttering?

If your child is living with a speech disorder such as stuttering, our licensed speech therapists can help. 

As stated by KidsHealth, “A speech disorder refers to a problem with making sounds.” Stuttering is a type of fluency disorder that is fairly common in children. It occurs when the flow of speech is interrupted by unusual stops, partial-word repetitions ("b-b-boy"), or prolonging sounds and syllables (“sssssnake”).

Stuttering is most commonly diagnosed in children from the ages of 2 and 5, and the disorder typically goes away by age 5. However, it is also not unusual for a stutter to linger for one reason or another.

If your child has been struggling with a stutter and it is starting to impact their daily life, it may be time to consult with one of our speech therapists at Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic. Contact us today to get started!

What to Expect During Speech Therapy for Stuttering

When your child arrives for the initial consultation, a speech therapist will conduct a simple examination to determine the best possible treatment plan for his or her needs.

One of our speech therapists will work with your child in a relaxed, friendly setting on a series of exercises. You may have one or more sessions per week, depending on your child's needs.

The speech therapy exercises can range from tasks that strengthen the muscles of the face, tongue, and throat to vocabulary development and even basic communication skills like making eye contact when speaking to others.

It all depends on where your child is developmentally. In addition, by keeping up with regular appointments with a speech therapist, the exercises and focus may change or adjust to help better meet your child's needs and manage his or her stuttering disorder.

How can I get started?

If your child is struggling with a stuttering disorder that is impacting their speech and daily life, do not hesitate to contact Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic today to consult with one of our Speech therapists. 

The good news when it comes to a speech disorder is that the earlier your child begins speech therapy, the better the long-term results can be. Call us today to get started!