Receptive/Expressive Language Therapy

Is your child having difficulty mastering verbal communication? If you suspect or have already confirmed that your child has a language disorder, you have likely heard of speech therapy.

At Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic, we are proud to offer expressive and receptive language therapy services for the children in our community and their families.

If you have been searching for a way to help your child overcome their language disorder, contact our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our skilled speech therapists. 

How do expressive & receptive language disorders differ?

Every day, we use expressive and receptive language abilities to communicate effectively with others. In the simplest of terms, expressive language refers to speech, while receptive language refers to an individual’s ability to understand and process speech.

If your child has difficulty communicating or getting their messages across to others verbally, they likely have an expressive language disorder. If it seems like your child cannot understand the verbal messages and information they receive from others, they may have a receptive language disorder.

Some children have symptoms of both receptive and expressive language disorders, which often translate to delays in their literacy skills. Your speech therapist can help you determine if this is the case for your child.

What can my child expect from speech therapy?

The specific treatment your child receives for their language disorder will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:

  • Whether your child is diagnosed with an expressive, receptive, or mixed language disorder
  • The age of your child
  • Your child’s medical history (i.e. if your child’s language disorder is accompanied by a motor speech disorder such as Dysarthria)
  • How your child performed in the initial language assessment administered by their speech therapist

During your child’s initial appointment with a speech therapist, they will likely be asked to complete a variety of informal and formal language assessments.

These assessments will help the speech therapist pinpoint areas of weakness in your child’s receptive and expressive language skills.

After the initial appointments and assessments are complete, an individualized treatment plan will be developed for your child. Your child’s treatment plan may use books, games, and play, to teach comprehension strategies, vocabulary, or how to follow verbal directions.

You may also be asked to play a role in your child’s treatment at home through take-home exercises and activities.

Get started with Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic today!

Our team of skilled speech therapists is dedicated to ensuring that your child gains the language skills they need to participate in and enjoy daily life.

You can start improving your child’s language skills today. Call our clinic or visit our website to schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable speech therapists. We are looking forward to serving your family. 
