Spina Bifida

Has Your Infant Been Diagnosed With Spina Bifida?

Finding out that your infant or toddler has spina bifida can be an incredibly stressful and confusing experience. Learning how to care for your child and ensure that he or she is on the best possible track for growth may not come easily, but you are not alone.

According to ChoosePT, “Spina bifida is a birth defect that develops when an infant's spinal cord does not completely close during the early stages of the mother's pregnancy. Spina bifida is diagnosed in approximately 1,500 babies born in the United States each year. The birth defect may cause both physical and intellectual disabilities.”

If your infant has been diagnosed with spina bifida and you need assistance to monitor and improve their strength and growth, contact Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic.

Symptoms & Causes of Spina Bifida

Spina bifida can be caused by an array of different factors, many of which are not entirely understood by medical professionals. According to Healthline, some of the suspected reasons behind the condition include a lack of folic acid during pregnancy, genetics, environmental factors, obesity, or unmonitored diabetes.

Infants are typically diagnosed before birth with spina bifida. There are a few different types of condition listed below.

  • Meningocele: The spinal cord does develop properly with this condition, and there are little to no symptoms at birth other than a small opening in the child’s back at birth and a visible sack of fluid.
  • Myelomeningocele:  This condition causes multiple disabilities such as incontinence or problems going to the bathroom, as well as trouble moving legs and feet. Children with this condition often experience seizures, uneven hips that affect their gait, and scoliosis (spine curvature).
  • Spina Bifida Occulta (SBO): This condition has been coined as “hidden” spina bifida because it often does not show symptoms until the child is much older or results in disabilities. However, some symptoms include a small dimple or patch of hair on a baby’s back at birth, as well as a gap in vertebrae. Some people may never even realize it if they have this condition.

How Can Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic Help Infants With Spina Bifida?

Speech and occupational therapy can help both adults and children with spina bifida improve mobility, coordination, muscle strength, and flexibility. Your child’s therapist will:

  • Do a full evaluation of your child’s condition
  • Look at their medical history & ask health-related questions
  • Assess their muscle strength, coordination, and flexibility
  • Complete multiple motor development tests

From there, a customized treatment plan will be created for your child’s needs to ensure that they’re on the right track for improvement. This treatment plan will likely include strength exercises and targeted stretches, as well as the use of assistive or adaptive technology such as braces or walkers to help increase functional mobility.

A Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic therapist’s ultimate goal is to help encourage your child’s overall strength, coordination, and balance, as well as help you to meet the needs of your child.

Contact Our Office Today

Your child’s growth and development are important to us. If your infant has been diagnosed with spina bifida or shows any of the above-mentioned signs of spina bifida, contact Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic today to learn more about your available treatment options.

