Genetic Disorders

Is Your Child Living with a Genetic Syndrome?

It can sometimes be difficult to determine if a child is living with a genetic syndrome.

As stated by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), “Studies have indicated that genetic factors influence many, if not most of the diseases commonly encountered in PT practice.”

If your child has been diagnosed with a genetic syndrome, or you think he or she may have one, do not hesitate to contact Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic to make an appointment with one of our therapists today.

How can speech and occupational therapy help with genetic syndromes?

Genetic syndromes can affect many parts of a child’s life, including motor skills, cognitive development, physical development, socialization, mobility, classroom success, and more.

Genetics can play a key role in a child’s developmental milestones, and if they are predisposed to a certain condition, it may be difficult to meet one or more of those milestones. In fact, APTA also states, “Genes appear to influence not only risk for disease, but also progression, outcomes, and response to rehabilitation interventions.”

Fortunately, through diagnostic testing, our therapists can evaluate the abilities of your child with a genetic syndrome to determine which treatment methods may be best for his or her needs.

If your child has already received a genetic syndrome diagnosis, a therapist will begin by conducting physical and mental assessments to determine where your child is developmentally, and which areas will need the most focus.

How can I get started?

At our Picayune & Wiggins speech and occupational therapy clinic, we have treated several pediatric patients with a wide range of genetic syndromes and specific needs. 

Whether your child needs help with communicating, strengthening fine and gross motor skills, improving gait, developing more appropriate physical/mental responses to stimuli, or anything in-between, we can help.

Contact Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic today to schedule your first appointment and get started on the first steps of treating your child’s genetic syndrome.