Southern Pediatric Therapy Clinic offers therapy to improve speech/communication, coordination, and learning, in children with a number of conditions including ADHD and Autism as well as other neurological conditions. Interactive MetronomeⓇ (IM) is a computer-based technology that encourages users to match the computer’s rhythm, thereby improving their internal sense of timing. An increasing amount of scientific evidence demonstrates that the brain's internal clock is integral in the development and maintenance of cognitive, behavioral, social, and motor skills.
Unfortunately, when the brain's timing malfunctions due to a medical condition; physical, mental, and emotional symptoms can be difficult to overcome. Southern pediatric therapy clinic now offers interactive metronomes rhythmic and movement training exercises to improve functioning in children.
Interactive metronome involves the principles of a traditional musical metronome, combined with the precision of a personal computer to create engaging interactive training exercises. The program uses headphones along with hand and foot sensors to coordinate movements to computer-generated musical beats. Like training wheels on a bicycle, a patent auditory guidance system progressively challenges participants to improve their motor planning, sequencing, and rhythmic timing performance. For more information, visit
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If you have been searching for a way to help improve your child's functionality do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with one of our licensed therapists.